Mysterious Monolith Appears at McDevitt Taco Supply!

When a Monolith  – a large, 3 sided metal structure – first was sighted in the Utah desert, many thought it was a sign from another realm.  Shortly after that mysterious structure vanished suddenly, several other monoliths started to appear around the world. 

Then, on December 5, 2020, as the staff arrived to open up McDevitt Taco Supply, they were shocked to discover a 10-foot tall, three-sided metal monolith!

“I was shocked when I got into work this morning,” said owner Bradford Mcdevitt.  “I’m sure we’ll find out who is behind it soon, but I like the mystery of the whole thing!”

No one knows where the structure came from, but it sure caused quite a stir with the media, and customers flocked to the restaurant to see the structure for themselves.

Monolith at McDevitt Taco Supply

Here is some of the Press on the Mysterious McDevitt Taco Supply Monolith:

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